Monday, November 27, 2006


We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with my family in Walla Walla. It was Cooper's first flight outside of his mom (we went to Hawaii last Christmas while she was pregnant). Naturally, since he's some sort of angel-baby, he was a peach the whole way. Even checking in turned out to be a breeze. With one exception.

Fun fact: baby formula is apparently less explosive than water. Our friends from the TSA will allow you to bring baby bottles filled with formula through security, but if those bottles are filled with water to make the formula, well, that poses too great a threat. Fortunately for us I was able to dump the water we packed in the trash. Unfortunately for the travellers behind us, they had to wait for me to dump the water into the trash.

I can't adequately express my anger at the over-hyped airport security in response to our so-called War on Terror. Finding a note in my luggage telling me that it's been rummaged through by security does not make me feel safer. It's just reminds me of yet another civil liberty we gave up to combat an imaginary threat. Really, we all stand a better chance of being poisoned by a blowfish than we do of being blown up in the air. Unfortunately, there's a historical precedent for giving up your rights in the name of defense, and it never ends well.

On a lighter note, we have a slew of Thanksgiving photos posted on our Flickr account, mainly of Cooper, that will make you pop with all its images of super baby-cuteness.

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