Friday, October 27, 2006

Where's Bobby?

My wife's recent and extensive illness, from which it looks like she is finally recovering, got me thinking about the last year. I came to the conclusion that I really could have done without it expect for two things: my son and my iPod. This of course assumes that (most of) the people in my life, Lisa, my family, and my friends, remain. But the rest? Eh, not so much.

It isn't that the last year has sucked. Entirely. My last year at work has, for reasons on which I needn't and shouldn't elaborate. That resulted in a year of frustration and confusion that affected how I felt about everything else, which, while not ruining it, has certainly dulled the year's shiny finish for me.

So Cooper and that iPod are really the only two new things I would miss if we hit rewind and started over. Heck, I could even do away with the iPod. I'd end up getting it anyway. Cooper, on the other hand, is the single most excited thing to happen to Lisa and I, and we wouldn't change a thing. But, Lisa was pregnant over a year ago, so I figure he's exempt too.

Why don't we just call a do-over? It worked on Dallas, didn't it? I'll just keep opening the shower door, waiting to see if things changed back to the way they were. Oh well, I guess I could always start looking forward to tomorrow.

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